World Bank Indicators
World Bank Indicators is a playground for visually representing data, where the user can identify trends in popular development indicators. The data is called from the World Bank API, and visualized using one of JavaScript’s most popular libraries (D3.js).
Heat Mapping
Heat Mapping is the result of a group project at General Assembly, where our team looked to map locations (pulled from the Yelp API) within a specific area (using Leaflet.js). Once we hit our MVP, we played with some more advanced features (adjusting the starting location of the view, correlating circle color to entity rating, measuring total and average distance to all entities from search lat/long, etc...).
Open Door
Open Door is a Ruby on Rails app that aims to connect job seekers and providers. Users have full CRUD capabilities around seekers, providers, and job postings. Current data is generated seed scripts connected to a PostgreSQL database on the back-end.
Movie Search
Movie Search is a simple app that allows users to search the IMDB database, display specific movie information, and favorite items.
War Game was my first web project, where I used basic front-end languages to build a digital version of the card game War.